Monday, May 21, 2007

Chronicles of ye o' gimpy one

For the past several days I have been sporting a plastic shell over me left hand as opposed to the makeshift plaster and gauze. You see it here with its lovely blue velcro straps.

The back piece is old news. The front portion of the shell, however, is brand spanking new. It also comes complete with its own pinky rubberband excersizer--Which I am to use ten times every hour.

If you don't recall why I'm wearing this bizzare little gettup I'll remind you. You see not too long ago the doktor was juggling knives and happened to slip on a bannana peel and nearly cut his pinky off. You see it here stitches and all.

Well that should be a good lesson to all of you....don't leave bannana peels lying about


MightyMightyMax said...

That's a rather ugly cut, actually. But it might make for a cool scar with which to impress girls in bars ;)

Oh, and Happy Birthday!

Linus said...

You should tell the girls that you were handling sharks...