Saturday, April 21, 2007

Astonishing revelations made through webcomics!

About a half an hour ago I began reading a new webcomic. It's very rudimentary in terms of drawings, mostly just stick figures, but with very witty content. It is much like Dinosaur comic, in that regard. While running through the four panel world of F8d I was stunned by a new fact.

To demonstrate to the average individual that drasticallly altering or harming the planet is not a far-fetched feat for humanity he used simple division.

The total land area of the earth is a little under 150 million square kilometers.

The population of humans on the earth is over 6 billion.


So, divided equally there is about .025 square kilometers to every person. That is about the size of three standard soccer pitches.

Now, I'm pretty damn sure I could drastically alter three soccer pitches over the course of my lifetime.

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