Monday, May 28, 2007

No fucking way!!!

Every so often I come across a character in a book, movie, or web comic that instantly reminds me of a friend or colleague. They might not look like them or sound like them or even be the same sex, but it's the same person. I just ran into a 'Black' Pope persona in a new web comic I'm reading. If any of you doubt that this is truly Linus then you're just plain crazy. I mean look at him for chrissake! A huge man spouting nifty little theological tidbits wearing a kilt, an offensive--to the uninformed--shirt and huge boots.....he even has a pet bird for fucks sake. If Linus were black, this is what we'd see.


MightyMightyMax said...

Wow. Linus should sue them for likeness rights; if only he were black...

Linus said...

I am black... in my heart.