Have you ever realized something about yourself, only by comparison to someone else? I like it when that happens. I don't know why, I just do. As an added bonus the fun little realization I just had came right after another, albeit less important, one.
First I realized the type of movie viewer I am. I'm picky. That may not sound important, but let me explain. I realized I have trouble picking movies to watch because I have to be in just the right mood for the movie. This little realization was the seed for a much more fun one. I realized that I don't refer to the movies as good or bad. I don't say that any particular style of movie is better than any other, I think of it in terms of whether or not I like certain things about the movie. I claim my opinion, and not just with movies. People, places, events, and anything like that. I think of it in terms of whether or not I like them or not. This kind of thinking only really has meaning when compared to it's counterpart. Let me give you an example of this counterpart style of thought.....That movie is stupid, the person who directed it is terrible, or That place is bad, nothing good comes from that place. In this style of thinking the responsibility for the opinion is shifted from the person to the object. Note how this style of thought doesn't even take into account that other opinions could exist about the object, almost like they are plain and simple facts--ones which everyone should accept. As another little bonus, when I reflected about my past and whether or not I had always had this style of thinking I realized that I have. Even when I think back to times when I've made statements the other way, the 'that thing is terrible' way, my thought is always, 'I think that thing is terrible'.
The fun part about realizing this silly little thing about myself is that it helped me understand why I have difficulties with the people who think the other way. I don't like the fact that they think of thier opinions as facts, and when people disagree with their opinions that means those people are wrong. To be fair I think of those people as closed minded, I think of them as ignorant and apathetic. Note the "I think" rather than "those people are....or.....you are"
I know full well that this little rant will mean absolutly zilch to everyone else, and I had thought about just puting it as a diary. However; whenever I get a notification that one of my blog subscriptions has updated only to find that it is private I think of the regretful seconds I will never get back. It feels much more satisfying to open up the blog and see the words, even if I find I'm not interrested in reading them all. So, for any likeminded people I left it public.