Sunday, September 03, 2006

So, to be fair I had more updates last month than britt, hers however were longer. So last month was a draw in my opinion.

On to the new stuff. On sept 1 I went to ausie Pete's house to see my buddy Will's band (Clone Inc) and Mr. V. It was a pretty rockin show. I was in the front the whole time, I worked crowd control making sure no drunk idiots moshed into the band.

I am beginning a phase of thought I've had before. One where I wish to be an asshole, to be free of conscience. I want to focus only on what is of advantage to me. Now that doesn't mean that I will just abandon friends or family, on the contrary. I find friends to be very advantagous to me. their company and usefulness is beyond worth. However other peoples--mostly acquaintances and those in different standing--I need to use those people with no regard for anything other than what reprocussions it could have on me.

also, squid we need to learn you some sewing skills, give me a call about that.

1 comment:

Squid said...

You went to Clone Inc. and didn't invite me! :P on you that is all I have to say